So today my children were horrible. Fighting, pushing, hitting, not listening to me, etc etc. However there were a few moments that just cracked me up.
Liam, my 3 1/2 year old, was jumping on the couch and I told him to stop and his responce was "Yes Sir! Whatever you say Sir!" I asked him why he called me Sir, and he said " 'cause I felt like it!" And then when he was trying again later to do the same thing he said, "Look a spaceship!" and pointed over my shoulder trying to get me to look away.
I mean come on, you have to laugh!
On another note. I hope anyone that has anything to give can find a way to give to Haiti. I donated $5.00 via my cell phone this week which will just be added to my bill. And I will be purchasing the itunes CD of Hope for Haiti Now. Truely touching. We can each make a difference whether it is with money, old shoes and clothing, or even a prayer.
The Earth Mother is a motif that appears in many mythologies. The Earth Mother is a fertile goddess embodying the fertile earth and typically the mother of other deities, and so, also are seen as patronesses of motherhood. This is generally thought of as being because the earth was seen as being the mother from whom all life sprang. The Rigveda calls the Female power, Mahimata (R.V. 1.164.33), a term which literally means Mother Earth.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
My Wish for You
This was sent to me by a dear friend. I love everything about it.
1. May you always be inspired and connected to your Source Energy, whatever you may conceive it to be.
2. May you know that you have a choice in all things in this life, no matter how difficult they may appear.
3. May you find and use your inner courage to move from point A to point B.
4. May you be fearless and not affected by other people’s opinions or the media’s tendency to create hysteria.
5. May you always know the Universe does not give us any challenges that we are unable to handle and navigate through.
6. May your creativity guide you to seek new and exciting pathways for all your projects.
7. May you live with compassion for all things including people, animals, plants and the planet.
8. May you learn that sometimes other peoples’ needs may have to be met before we can meet our own. This is fundamental to living with compassion.
9. May you commit to one random act of kindness each day, no matter how unsettled you may feel! They are probably having a worse day than you.
10. May your heart be filled with love and your soul guided by hope.
This is my wish for us all, as we enter this next decade. My hope always being that this planet of wars, unrest and fighting, both globally and locally, may one day be defined by peace, caring and sharing.
1. May you always be inspired and connected to your Source Energy, whatever you may conceive it to be.
2. May you know that you have a choice in all things in this life, no matter how difficult they may appear.
3. May you find and use your inner courage to move from point A to point B.
4. May you be fearless and not affected by other people’s opinions or the media’s tendency to create hysteria.
5. May you always know the Universe does not give us any challenges that we are unable to handle and navigate through.
6. May your creativity guide you to seek new and exciting pathways for all your projects.
7. May you live with compassion for all things including people, animals, plants and the planet.
8. May you learn that sometimes other peoples’ needs may have to be met before we can meet our own. This is fundamental to living with compassion.
9. May you commit to one random act of kindness each day, no matter how unsettled you may feel! They are probably having a worse day than you.
10. May your heart be filled with love and your soul guided by hope.
This is my wish for us all, as we enter this next decade. My hope always being that this planet of wars, unrest and fighting, both globally and locally, may one day be defined by peace, caring and sharing.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
John Singer Sargent....

John Singer Sargent's Birthday was earlier this week. So I found a painting he created in 1911 called repose. Almost every painting I found of his works portray women, with lovely large skirts and extra cloth wrapped around them. There is something very reflective about the quailties of this portrait. I love the use of blues and greys. Something deeper I guess.
Anyways! I am sick, the kids are sick, snot for everyone!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
"Nothing is more beautiful than the lovelines of the woods before sunrise." - George W. Carver

The Island of the Day Before....
When I see that I think of this picture. This was taken by national geographic in northern Scotland. An area where little to no people live anymore. It is a place in the world full of history and beauty and yet so untouched by modern man. I imagine it is cold, with the winds off the ocean, pouring over the mountain tops, beautiful cold blue breezes. I see the stones of broken, unused cottages that have stood for hundreds of years. Built by a hardy community of people who obviously found beauty in a rough terrain. The sky is similar to Oregon's skies, cloudy, overcast, but full of the mist that makes everything so green. I feel the whole world in the air. The history of time, the hope of community, the sadness of loss, and an unknown faith in all around me. I hear the mumblings of space, vast, open space, and the footprint of those that walked this land.
Here is to breathing deeply.
Wrote this Yesterday, didn't have internet.
January 4, 2010
Here is to having a fresh view take you by surprise.
This morning I woke up after what I would say was less sleep then I had intended and had a very productive morning. I took my pills, made oatmeal for the boys and myself, got everyone dressed, took the boys to the market while Chris was sick, got home, put away everything from the market, put Jack down for a nap, started making lists of things to organize in the basement, made lunch, emptied the garbage in the kitchen, emptied the litter box, refilled the littler box, fed the cats hard and soft food, cleaned up from lunch, did two loads of laundry, watched a rerun of charmed, had a cup of tea, played several hands of medium difficulty spider solitaire badly, and now I am writing this. Of course while I was playing cards badly my mind kept drifting to different universes. Dr. Who, Torchwood, Star Trek, and then just other places in the world… England, Scotland, Egypt, Rome, Italy. I was playing SIM’s last night and I wondered at what point did playing a computer game that took me to Egypt become the replacement for actually wanting to go to Egypt. Not that I don’t want to go, but at some point in time instead of planning the trip I always wanted to go on, I settled for the virtual version. I wonder if this is what the talk about happening when you have a family. Is it that you settle? Is it that I am settling? I am not sure that I am but lately I have been drawn away from the things that I had been drawn to. I am sure none of this is making any sense but that is what a blog no one reads is for anyways.
When I was a child I wanted to be an archaeologist. What isn’t to love about that? Digging in hot places searching for things never found or missing for hundreds of years? I loved history, and writing, and the unknown. Some part of me still does but then the little critics surface and say, “you can’t do that, or be that, you aren’t smart enough, or have enough time, who are you kidding?” I am also artistic, not that I would ever call myself an artist. I think you have to make something someone is willing to purchase from you in order to call yourself that. I feel like I have a million hobbies all of which I do ‘OK’. I don’t think that there is any one thing that I am really good at, or that I could say is my calling. My husband has always been into computers, so that is what he went into. Sure, he didn’t know what part he wanted to work with but he found what he liked. What do I like? What am I willing to settle for? What am I willing to work hard on? How can I pay for anything, like school, or anything else? Where do I want to live? In almost every dream reality I seem to have I live in England or Scotland. There seems to be some deep-rooted bond in my subconscious to there. Which is funny because I’ve never left North America. Am I a strong person? Am I someone who goes for what they want? Will I always be in the shadows or will I step into the light? 2010 is a new year and I hope to be in a different place when 2011 arrives.
Here is to having a fresh view take you by surprise.
This morning I woke up after what I would say was less sleep then I had intended and had a very productive morning. I took my pills, made oatmeal for the boys and myself, got everyone dressed, took the boys to the market while Chris was sick, got home, put away everything from the market, put Jack down for a nap, started making lists of things to organize in the basement, made lunch, emptied the garbage in the kitchen, emptied the litter box, refilled the littler box, fed the cats hard and soft food, cleaned up from lunch, did two loads of laundry, watched a rerun of charmed, had a cup of tea, played several hands of medium difficulty spider solitaire badly, and now I am writing this. Of course while I was playing cards badly my mind kept drifting to different universes. Dr. Who, Torchwood, Star Trek, and then just other places in the world… England, Scotland, Egypt, Rome, Italy. I was playing SIM’s last night and I wondered at what point did playing a computer game that took me to Egypt become the replacement for actually wanting to go to Egypt. Not that I don’t want to go, but at some point in time instead of planning the trip I always wanted to go on, I settled for the virtual version. I wonder if this is what the talk about happening when you have a family. Is it that you settle? Is it that I am settling? I am not sure that I am but lately I have been drawn away from the things that I had been drawn to. I am sure none of this is making any sense but that is what a blog no one reads is for anyways.
When I was a child I wanted to be an archaeologist. What isn’t to love about that? Digging in hot places searching for things never found or missing for hundreds of years? I loved history, and writing, and the unknown. Some part of me still does but then the little critics surface and say, “you can’t do that, or be that, you aren’t smart enough, or have enough time, who are you kidding?” I am also artistic, not that I would ever call myself an artist. I think you have to make something someone is willing to purchase from you in order to call yourself that. I feel like I have a million hobbies all of which I do ‘OK’. I don’t think that there is any one thing that I am really good at, or that I could say is my calling. My husband has always been into computers, so that is what he went into. Sure, he didn’t know what part he wanted to work with but he found what he liked. What do I like? What am I willing to settle for? What am I willing to work hard on? How can I pay for anything, like school, or anything else? Where do I want to live? In almost every dream reality I seem to have I live in England or Scotland. There seems to be some deep-rooted bond in my subconscious to there. Which is funny because I’ve never left North America. Am I a strong person? Am I someone who goes for what they want? Will I always be in the shadows or will I step into the light? 2010 is a new year and I hope to be in a different place when 2011 arrives.
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